We keep your personal information private and secure. When you make a purchase from ForgedUnion.com, you provide your name, email address, credit card information, address, and phone number. We use this information to process your orders.
At ForgedUnion.com, we value your privacy and take every possible precaution to protect your information. These security and privacy procedures are followed with all of your information, ensuring that your experience with us is a positive one.
We never share, sell or in any way make available your contact information to any other party. Your credit card or PayPal information is not stored or kept on file for any reason. It is only available to our payment processing company and is deleted after use.
Please contact us with any questions or concerns that you have about the security of your information after reading our policies.
We do not share any of your information with anyone, ever.
Mens-Wedding-Rings.com does not lease, license, sell or share any customer information with anyone or any company. Only employees that are responsible for handling customer service have access to your information. Additionally, employees in our technical department may have access to your information in order to conduct routine checks on the integrity of our system and in order to perform necessary maintenance work. Access to this information is password protected. -
How is your information protected?
We use the latest encryption technology, including 128 bit SSL encryption to ensure that any sensitive information that is sent by you to us via the Internet is protected from unauthorized interception. All information, except credit information, submitted by a customer via the internet is stored on a server which requires proper authentication for access. The server is housed in a secured environment that employs a variety of techniques to protect your information. We also use a firewall and anti-virus protection software to guard against outside attacks on our networks.
No one at ForgedUnion.com has access to your credit card information, ever. When you submit your order our system we use Verisign to encrypt your information and the encrypted information. The approval or rejection is then sent back to us via an encrypted. All we receive is the authorization number which is stored on our secure server. We never store credit information, ever.
All employees that we hire sign a confidentiality agreement that forbids them from disclosing any information to which the employee has access, to other individuals or entities. We also have back up servers and power supplies to guard against power outages and other natural occurrences that could pose a threat to the integrity of customer information. Our servers are manned 24 hours a day, in a building that is state of the art and under 24/7 supervision. - Secure Connection. We use the same security standard that is used on over 500,000 web servers worldwide, including governments, companies and public institutions. You are enjoying the same security level that the world's 40 largest banks and 93% of Fortune 500 companies are using.
Email Security and Privacy.
We take great care to protect our customer emails and privacy. any emails received are stored on our secure server and are given the same protection as all other customer information that we store. ForgedUnion.com does not lease, license, sell or share any customer email information with anyone or any company.
During the ordering process emails are automatically sent to customers to confirm orders, confirm shipping and to confirm refunds. We also may contact a customer if there is something on an order that needs clarification. -
Changes to this Security and Privacy Policy.
We reserve the right to change this policy an any time. However if any changes do occur, we will publish the changes to our website and post a notice on the home page that a new privacy policy has been implemented.